Sunday 16 September 2012

3. Short Film Analysis: Heartstrings.

This short film depicts love between two characters and expresses the challenges that a relationship brings. By not revealing what gender they are, it further emphasises that love takes form in any person, whether that be a single sex relationship or a mixed sex relationship. So when we see one of the characters pulling out a string heart for the other character, we are instantly drawn to the short film. As their hearts entwine each other when they kiss, we assume this short film involves only innocent emotions which is reinforced through the music.

A fade is then used to depict a moment in time: their relationship has grown and they are in love. However, as the music fades, and when one of the characters walk away, there is a flat note, indicating a bad point in the relationship. Nevertheless, the music softens out and the other character returns, helping their partner get up. This portrays their strong bond, as they are helping one other to get through their relationship. But they leave again, this time with the other character feeling alone, but then suddenly angry. They violently pull on string, forcing the other character to return on screen. The angry partner demands an explanation, however they soon both begin to anger one another, thus representing relationships as challenging.

As they both take parts of the string, (much like a divorce when couples take different belongings) they force the string to break, signifying a bad patch in the relationship. Furthermore, throughout this disagreement the music crescendos in flat sharp notes, highlighting a break. When this break is shown, the music stops all together, portraying the characters have nothing left in the relationship. However, as the music picks up again, the characters join as one by tying their two strings together in a heart. This immediately pulls them back together. They kiss and hug, signifying that all relationships take work.

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