Monday, 5 November 2012

Narrative ideas.

Now that I know I want to create a short film with a split narrative, I feel I should start creating possible storylines. My vision at the moment is centred around a male Protagonist that is portrayed in two different situations throughout the short film until they collide together at the end. (like a parallel universes to an extent)
  1. Beginning: Protagonist separates into two different narratives
  2. Middle: ???????????????
  3. End: Protagonist joins back together or one narrative dies or both narratives die
I am currently stuck on what I should focus my short film around. I feel this is a key aspect as I want to portray something that is meaningful to me and my audience. So I came up with some ideas and one was a secret and the other idea was that both narratives contrast each other. This lead me on to decide about making the split narrative (both characters) include binary opposites. So one character is the opposite of another character. I came up with a few binary opposites which have attracted me to possibly include in my short film:
  • good/bad
  • innocent/evil
  • orginal/copy
  • inside/outside
  • reality/fake
  • soul/body
  • female/male
  • son/father
  • centre/margin
  • natural/unatural
  • truth/fiction
  • modern/postmodern
  • high culture/low culture
  • waking/dreaming
The colours highlighted in purple are the binary opposites which I particularly want to focus on with narrative, and the binary opposites highlighted in red are the binary opposites I want to focus on with camera techniques and filming. After this note taking I soon wanted to develop my idea:

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