Monday 1 April 2013

Fourth Cut


  1. - Longer fade needed at beginning before cat logo appears <-- this is still not right, the fade needs to be more gradual. You will probably need to add additional still frames of the cat to make this happen. If you get stuck ask Josh.

    - Phone sound needed at 1:22 (should be audible but quiet) <-- still could not hear this. I think it's necessary. What do you think?

    - Further work needed on lighting - must ensure consistency between shots. Editing the levels will help. Again if you get stuck ask Josh or me.

    - The LS of Francis at 4:51 can be cut altogether <-- this still needs to go.

    - Still need a better last shot <- this needs to pause and be held for longer before the fade.

    Overall, a def. improvement. Just a few more tweaks needed.

    Well done. M.

  2. The phone sound at 1:22 is meant to be quiet because it's on silent so he doesn't hear the call

    1. No I get that, but I couldn't hear it all.


    1. There are still lighting issues at 2:51 - it's obvious it was filmed at a different time of day.

      The fade in at the beginning is still not right. It needs to be paced like the MGM lion. It should fade and be still and then move/meow.

      And I think the ending would work better with a freeze frame before the fade. See this:

      M. :-)
